Presque Isle State Park Lifeguards are the most elite and professional lifeguarding force in the state of Pennsylvania. First year guards start at $13.04/hour and receive annual raises when returning year after year!

If you are interested in applying,
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Interested applicants must have Lifeguard, CPR, and First Aid Certification, interview with the Lifeguard Managers, then pass a physical assessment:
40 yard run in under 6.50
500 yard freestyle under 8:59.99
50 yard freestyle under 29.99
Brick Retrieval under 13.99
2 minute tread with 10 lb. brick
3 rescues (active, passive, spinal)
Successfully demonstrate CPR and FBAO

If you need Lifeguard Certification, the Presque Isle Lifeguard Association is offering a course December 15-30, 2018 (dates subject to change).

The course is $200, with a $100 reimbursement upon completion of course and summer at Presque Isle State Park. Contact Lifeguard Headquarters (814-833-0526 or with questions or to register.