It's that time of year again! The time when the Presque Isle Lifeguards start recruiting new guards for next Summer...

If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard, or know someone who is, call Lifeguard Headquarters at 814-504-3900 to apply.
We are also offering a Lifeguard Certification Course, taught by Presque Isle Supervisors and Managers. The course takes place from December 7th through the 28th at Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School in Lawrence Park. The cost is only $200 with the opportunity for a $100 rebate for students who successfully complete the course as well as 1 Summer as a Lifeguard at Presque Isle!
If you are interested in this opportunity, call Lifeguard Headquarters or email them at
Lifeguard representative will be recruiting throughout the Winter, so if you see them, feel free to stop by and ask any questions you may have.